Performance–Based Learning Experiences and Achievement of Grade VII Freshmen in Elementary Algebra 1: Effective Inputs for the Enhancement of the K-12 Teaching Guide


  • Maris Lasco
  • Nelia Raganas


Elementary Algebra 1 (EA), Domains of learning, Learning Experiences, Performance-based


This study sought to determine the performance-based learning experiences and achievement of Grade VII students in their Elementary Algebra 1(EA) subject. The students’ performance and achievements were measured based on their learning experiences with respect to different determined domains. The frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, correlation analysis and a partial correlation were used to analyze the data. The results conveyed that the students had a very satisfactory performance in their previous Mathematics and English subjects. However, their overall performance in EA is poor, except for their performance on the knowledge domain which is very satisfactory. The study further revealed that their performance in EA is highly correlated to oral recitation, group activity, board work and seatwork. The rest of the activities currently being employed did not show significant correlation. If their grades in Mathematics are held constant, only the group and board work activities have a high correlation. With these results, it is imperative to innovate and enhance the current Teaching Guide in EA for teachers.




How to Cite

Lasco, M., & Raganas, N. (2016). Performance–Based Learning Experiences and Achievement of Grade VII Freshmen in Elementary Algebra 1: Effective Inputs for the Enhancement of the K-12 Teaching Guide. Annals of Studies in Science and Humanities, 2(2), 47–53. Retrieved from