Author Guidelines

Research Classification - Full Paper ; Short communication


  • Text File - 12pt font, A4, normal margins, (without images, graphs and tables);
  • Images/Graphs/Tables - w/ captions/labels/titles; submitted separately from the text file; not more than a total of six (6) images, graphs, and/or tables combined for short communications.

Manuscript Format - The following are the sections of the manuscript with the corresponding details. The content guidelines for both full papers and short communications are the same and as follows:

  • Title and Author Details - Must include (i) name of authors; (ii) corresponding author affiliations;

(iii) email address of the corresponding author.

  • Abstract - Must be a minimum of 150 and maximum of 250
  • Key Words - At least 5
  • Main Text - subdivided for full papers but not subdivided for short communications:
    • Introduction - Must include (i) statement of the problem; (ii) relevant and related literature; (iii) what is novel in the study; (iv) objectives; & (v) significance of the study.
    • Materials and Methods - Must include (i) sampling technique (if any); (ii) instruments used; (iii) data gathering procedure; (iv) data analysis procedure.
    • Results and Discussion - Must be original and conducted by the author (s). It should provide a concise description of experimental data obtained, illustrated by tables and figures (should not duplicate each other). It is recommended to use past indefinite verb tense in describing the results. The discussion should not reiterate the results. It should also be completed with a major conclusion that answers the question specified in the introductory part of the article.
  • Tables and Figures - For figures, videos or tables containing copyrighted material not created by one of the authors (e.g. photographs, maps), must upload a document with the copyright owner's permission. Add a credit attribution in the legend. Indicate the identity of the photographer, when submitting Cite map sources in the figure legend or on the figure.
    • Tables - Format table documents either in .DOC or .DOCS. Do not embed in the manuscript (upload it in a separate file). Introduce a table in the text before presenting it. Place all necessary information in the heading (you may put legends or footnotes if needed). Use only up to 3 legends/footnotes in the tables.
    • Figures - Must use the original file format and image size whenever possible. 'Figure' refers to graphs, charts, line drawings and Do not embed in the manuscript (upload it in a separate file). Figures should be relevant to the content of the article, of sufficient resolution, and appropriately described and labeled. Introduce the figure in the text before presenting it. Captions should be printed at the bottom of each illustration.
    • Statistical Analysis - Present the results of analyses in the appropriate tables or All statistical procedures, including methods of analysis, should be identified. Numbers of replicates and subsamples, transformations, and statistical tests should also be stated.
    • Conclusions and Recommendations - Should be appropriately stated, and connected to the original question investigated or must be based on the objectives. It should be limited to those supported by the results. Identify unresolved questions / gaps/future directions.
    • Acknowledgements - Do not acknowledge funders here, a separate Funding Statement will be provided. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that anyone named in the Acknowledgments agrees to be named.

Literature Cited

Make sure to write all the references cited in the text in this section. Do not shorten the journal names. Write the full journal names when you quote each of the references here. Abbreviations are not acceptable e.g. Annals of Studies in Science and Humanities or Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences instead of PNAS. If possible, the Digital Object Identifier (doi) must be indicated for every article cited.

The Literature Cited must be arranged alphabetically. The references must be cited in the text as follows: single author, Lopez (2015) or (Lopez 2008); two authors, Lopez and Montejo (2015) or (Lopez and Montejo 2015); more than two authors, Lopez et al. (2015) or (Lopez et al. 2015). Follow chronological or alphabetical arrangement when you do multiple citations with the same year and must be separated by semicolons (e.g. Lopez 2015; Reyes 2015 and Tan 2015). When multiple citations have different year, it will arranged according to year (e.g. Scott, 1996; Johnson 2008, 2015a; David 2018).

Citations based on personal communication must follow the following format with the first and last name spelled out [e.g., Karen Sanchez pers. obs. 18.12.2010). If an unpublished information is cited, follow this format Mary Tupper unpub.]. An article formally accepted for publication must be cited as “in press” (e.g. Sheldon in press.). Articles not formally accepted yet, must be cited as “submitted” (e.g. Ramos submitted).


References should be listed in the following format:


Posa, M.R.C., A.C. Diesmos, N.S. Sodhi & T.M. Brooks. (2008). Hope for threatened tropical biodiversity: Lessons from the Philippines. BioScience. 58:231-240.


Preprint online Journal publications:

Pino-Del-Carpio, A., Arino, A.H., Villarroya, A., Puig, J. & Miranda, R (in press). The biodiversity data knowledge gap: assessing information loss in the management of biosphere reserves. Biological Conservation Available online 8 December 2013.



Srinivasulu, C. & B. Srinivasulu (2012). South Asian Mammals: Their Diversity, Distribution, and Status. Springer, New York, 467pp.


Edited Book:

Wang J, Xie X (eds) (2009). Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Heart: From Bench to Bedside. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


Book Chapter:

Von Bertalanffy, L. (1960). Principles and theory of growth. In W. W. Norwinski (Ed.),

Fundamental aspects of normal and malignant growth (pp.137-259). Elsevier.



Kumar, S., B.V. Shetty, D. Bennett & S. Molur (2000). Report of the Conservation Assessment and Management Plan Workshop on Endemic Orchids of the Western Ghats. Zoo Outreach Organisation & CBSG South Asia, Coimbatore, India, 150pp.



Wroe, S., Ferrara, T.L., McHenry, C.L., Curnoe, D., & Chamoli, U. (2010, December 7). The craniomandibular mechanics of being human. Proceedings of the Royal Society B/Biological Sciences, 277, 3579-3586.


Organization as author:

UNESCO (2008). Links between biological and cultural diversity-concepts, methods and experiences. Report on an International Workshop. Paris: UNESCO.



Mildenstein, T.L. (2012). Conservation of endangered flying foxes in the Philippines: effects of anthropogenic disturbance and research methods for community-based conservation. Ph.D. thesis, University of Montana, United States 120pp.


Web resource:

China Plant Specialist Group (2004). Aristolochia westlandii. In: IUCN 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Theatened Species. Downloaded on 26 January 2009.

  • Supplementary Files (e.g., data-sets, research instruments, etc.) are encouraged in addition to submission, to enhance readers' engagement with the These data can be accessible online.

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