Advances in Engineering and Information Sciences
AEIS, the Advances in Engineering and Information Sciences, is a dynamic and forward-thinking organization dedicated to advancing the cutting-edge fields of engineering, automation, computer science, information technology, artificial intelligence, data science, and related disciplines. The journal is a scholarly publication showcasing excellence in research within the field of engineering and information sciences. Our primary objective is to serve as a platform for disseminating and sharing high-quality research with a local and global audience.
Through a meticulous double-blind peer-review process, we strive to ensure the publication of papers that meet the standards of originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability. Aligned with the journal's vision of becoming a respected publication featuring peer-reviewed research articles, reviews, and survey papers contributed by the international community of authors, our team of reviewers and editors is drawn from institutions and universities worldwide. The implementation of a double-blind peer-review process underscores our commitment to maintaining rigorous standards.
At AEIS, we remain steadfast in our belief that global challenges pave the way for new innovations, methodologies, and talents. The AEIS publishes research, reviews, and survey papers that make substantial contributions to the literature of engineering and information sciences, appealing to a diverse readership. Encompassing all major branches of engineering and information sciences, our coverage spans a broad spectrum of related applications.
Annals of Studies in Science and Humanities
The Annals of Studies in Science and Humanities is a peer-reviewed open-access journal, which publishes quality papers to promote scholarly discussion across a broad range of academic disciplines. It accepts submissions in any area within basic natural sciences, socio-environmental sciences, fishery, forestry, agri-forestry, minerals, eco-tourism, humanities and education. The journal is in English and published bi-annually both online and print versions.
The journal accepts two types of research papers, i.e., a full paper and a short communication. The full paper is a comprehensive and in-depth study that features a wide range of methodologies and presents detailed analyses and results. It is basically a product of completed research. On the other hand, a short communication need not be as comprehensive as a full paper and may focus only on one methodology and its corresponding results. It can be one of the initial results of a broader research study whose data and results need to be urgently communicated.
Journal of Ecosystem Science and Eco-Governance
The Journal of Ecosystem Science and Eco-Governance (JESEG) is an international peer-reviewed journal focusing on various aspects of ecosystem science and eco-governance. The key areas covered by the journal include biodiversity, environmental science, ecology, conservation biology, and ecosystem services. The overarching goal is to explore the intricate relationships within ecosystems and their impact on the overall quality of life.
The JESEG is published semi-annually, with issues released in June and December and has NO Article Processing Charge (APC). This regular publication schedule ensures a steady flow of new research and information to the scientific community and policymakers. The availability of both online and print versions enhances accessibility, reaching a diverse audience of researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers in the field. It is currently indexed in the Andrew Gonzales Philippine Citation Index (AGPCI), see certification. The JESEG provides a comprehensive coverage of the diverse aspects of ecosystem science and eco-governance, fostering a multidisciplinary approach and contributing valuable insights to the field. JESEG can benefit from a mix of theoretical research, empirical studies, and practical applications to address current environmental issues and support sustainable decision-making. The following categories can be accommodated for peer review and publication:Ecosystem Dynamics
Biodiversity Conservation
Environmental Science
Ecosystem Services
Land-Use Planning and Management
Eco-Governance and Policy
Landscape Ecology
Human-Nature Interactions
Case Studies and Best Practices
Interdisciplinary ApproachesFor more information about these categories, click here or check out the sidebar under Browse