About the Journal

The Annals of Studies in Science and Humanities is a peer-reviewed open-access journal, which publishes quality papers to promote scholarly discussion across a broad range of academic disciplines. It accepts submissions in any area within basic natural sciences,  socio-environmental sciences, fishery, forestry, agri-forestry, minerals, eco-tourism, humanities and education. The journal is in English and published bi-annually both online and print versions.

The journal accepts two types of research papers, i.e., a full paper and a short communication. The full paper is a comprehensive and in-depth study that features a wide range of methodologies and presents detailed analyses and results. It is basically a product of completed research. On the other hand, a short communication need not be as comprehensive as a full paper and may focus only on one methodology and its corresponding results. It can be one of the initial results of a broader research study whose data and results need to be urgently communicated.

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): December Issue
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