Peer Review
Submissions will be evaluated for merits of the article with scientific contributions. The editorial board may send back submissions to the author without review based on poor quality, does not follow the journal format, and unsuitable topic for the journal. Submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind review in which identity of authors and reviewers are concealed. Authors are requested to submit names of three potential reviewers of the article with their respective working email and affiliation addresses. The recommended experts must have publications in the past 5 years in ISI and/or Scopus indexed journals and whose affiliations are different institutions from the authors. The editorial board has the final approval to assign reviewers of the submissions. Authors are given the opportunity to submit revisions of manuscript under review within a month of the notification. Otherwise, may request from the editorial board for extension indicating the reasons. Unattended paper under revisions may result in resubmission or rejection of the paper. Upon submission, the authors agree with the policies of the journal upholding the excellent practices in scientific article publication.