Species Richness of Avifauna in the Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Northeastern Mindanao, Philippines
Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, avifauna, species richness, endemic, protected areaAbstract
The Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary (AMWS) plays a crucial role in preserving bird biodiversity, with 150 species documented across 18 orders, 54 families, and 115 genera from January 2023 to August 2024 in the nine Biodiversity Monitoring System sites. This avifauna diversity includes richness in the families Ardeidae (n=6), Columbidae (n=13), Rallidae (n=9), and Scolopacidae (n=9), with a 19.05% increase in recorded species since 2014. It also supports 43 endemic species (29%), of which 13 species (9%) are unique to Mindanao. Furthermore, AMWS is a significant stopover for migratory birds, with 35 migratory species (23%) reflecting its role within the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the DAO 2019-09, approximately 11% of species are threatened. Specifically, 6% were vulnerable, 2% critically endangered, 1% endangered, near threatened, and Other Threatened Species (OTS). The Caimpugan Peat Swamp Forest has the highest species richness, with 80 bird species (53%). However, areas with high anthropogenic activity have fewer species, particularly in Dinagat-Mambagongon Creek. Anthropogenic activities in AMWS include hunting, timber cutting, rattan harvesting, and agricultural expansion. Effective management strategies are essential to alleviate pressures on AMWS biodiversity and support local communities, such as deputizing park rangers known as Bantay Danao to enhance the enforcement of RA 9174 and RA 11038; imposing penalties to curtail agricultural expansion in AMWS peatlands, riparian zones, and Multiple Use Zones (MUZs); executing the Special Use Agreement in Protected Areas (SAPA) when using resources is unavoidable; exploring alternative livelihoods such as community-based forest management (CBFM) and biodiversity-friendly enterprises (BDFEs); and revising land use maps while proposing legislation with explicit wetlands management guidelines, particularly for peatlands.
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